It's the same tired storyline on The Bold & the Beautiful over and over again. I watched it for years, when I had the opportunity, since it's in such an impossible time slot in Vancouver - 12:30am. Now that I live in Sweden I have the opportunity to watch that drivel if I want to since it's on in the evening here. Do I want to? No thank you! Even when I have nothing to do I still don't tune into B&B.
I find that I don't have much patience with T.V shows these days. The only show that I can bare to watch consistently is Desperate Housewives. I watch the sitcoms whenever they're on when I happen to have nothing else to do, but I never actually turn on my T.V just to watch them, unless it happens to be MASH re-runs.
If a show pisses me off, I'll immediately stop watching. I watched one single episode of CSI and I was disgusted with its graphic violence. I've never watched it gain and I don't intend to if I can help it. I don't care if it's supposed to be all realistic and clever, I don't want to see it. What happened to the good, old under-stated cop/detective shows such as Cagney & Lacey and Magnus P.I, who relied more on dialogue and character development and plot than graphic violence? The one upshot about CSI is that red-headed character played by Marg Helgenberger. I don't know what her character name is but I really like her tough, no-nonsense character. I love to see a strong female character.
B&B finally got to me with their monotonous storyline of Brooke, Ridge, Stephanie and Taylor. It's been 20 years. Time to let it go. It's not interesting anymore. How many times you can see women calling other women whore and slut before you finally get enough. It's insulting to hear those words being thrown back and forth. I personally don't really enjoy cat fights. It's just tedious and irritating. It would be nice to see strong women who won't crumble into a pit of despair whenever they find themselves without a relationship for 5 minutes. It would also be nice to see women be supportive of each other in soaps. And when will men be called sluts? The character Ridge has been married about a hundred times and slept with God knows how many women on the show, he's never once been called a whore or a slut.
American soap operas turn women's lib back 50 years. Look at the picture above of the tired trio. The man is promiment in the foreground, larger than life, like a King out of some fairytale kingdom, while the two women who constantly battle over him are lurking behind him.