Old classics such as Halloween, Friday the 13th, Black Christmas, or even an olden goldie like Creature From the Black Lagoon, have today's horror movies beat in my opinion. In the old days, horror movies didn't have to be that violent in order to be scary. They relied more on suspense and the stalker-point-of-view elements. Granted, they were very violent too of course, but not in such an exaggerated way. I wonder who started the technique of having the audience see everything from the killer's point of view. Steven Spielberg did it in Jaws but even a bit earlier than that, in Black Christmas from 1974, we got to enjoy an opening scene where we saw everything through a panting psychopath's eye while he crept around outside a sorority house. In my opinion, this is far scarier than watching some girl be gutted or seeing some guy get decapitated by a chainsaw. The kind of scary you see in Friday the 13th and Halloween, although there were some bloody, gruesome scenes in those too, nothing in comparison to what you see today of course, is the best. Today's movies seem get increasingly violent, since people become more and more desensitized and require more gore in order to be shocked. Also, there is something special about those old movies, must be nostalgia. The best scary movie in the teen-slasher genre has to be Black Christmas. The eye appearing in the door crack is an absolutely classic scene. Jaws is another brilliant movie. To this day I can't bare to watch the scene where Quint gets eaten by the shark.
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