My dog has a vendetta against any appliances and tools that move. This includes brooms, vacuum cleaners, lawn mowers, shower name it. She'll do a drive-by biting on the vacuum head, a quick but effective attack. With the broom she takes her time. She sinks her teeth into it and hangs on to it, chewing like mad, while making odd whimpering sounds of excitement. It sounds amusingly enough as though she's talking, like she's lecturing the broom.
"Don't try anything with me punk! *bite* There ya go broom! You like that, huh!"
As far as the lawn mower is concerned, its wheels are particularly targeted whenever the thing is in motion. She'll stalk it and make little surprise attacks when it least expects it, barking while she's doing it, as though she's telling it off, letting it know who's boss.
For some reason she also has it in for the shower head, although that's partly because she likes to play with the water stream. She bites the water and puts the whole shower head inside her mouth. Like I said, anything that moves.
Need I mention that my vacuum cleaner head has holes in it, and the handle of our broom looks like a Swiss cheese?
a true bitch isn't she?
i must admit it's rather endearing...
makes me wanna naw on something myself
I am just wondering why dogs are not recognizable if it's a male or female. They look all same.
I am weird enough to have this question, right?
Well, there is one way to find out if it's a male or a female Marcus. You have to look in a special area. : )
Also, usually the males are a bit bigger, huskier.
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