Here's my take on some of the fashion trends:

Pointy-toed shoes. Actually this item is quite clever and versatile, since it can be used both as a shoe and as a sharp weapon. You can look trendy and be able to protect yourself by stabbing a potential attacker with your shoe at the same time.

Large framed glasses that cover half your face. I wore them during my awkward teens, and I don't care to see them again. They only remind me of Michael Myers in Halloween when he dressed up in a sheet and put on glasses belonging to the guy he just killed. I only wished he would have murdered the glasses too, and buried them deep in fashion history where nobody could ever track them down. Alas, somebody did.

I used to wear shoulder pads. I looked like a linebacker for the Chicago Bears.

A clog? Or a Russet potato?
I would have killed for these when I was 10, and they're hot pink too, my favourite colour at the time. Now I think that leg warmers are bad enough, but the colour hot pink is even worse.

Acid washed jeans, high waisted no less. Throw in a short, brown suede jacket, large framed glasses and frizzy hair and what you get is me at 16.

This is perhaps the ugliest fashion trend to ever have been inflicted on human kind. It looks like you've just dropped a huge load in your pants.

Gladiator shoes. These skeleton-like shoes look like oddly shaped bandages wrist supports but for your ankle instead of shoes. Looks like something you'd wear if you were in physio. They're grotesque.
I just can't make myself embrace the fashion trends from my childhood. Whether it's because I associate them with being a child in the 80's or if it's because they're really tacky I don't know, but I suspect it's a mix. I would gladly wear a Jackie Kennedy skirt suit from the 60's or bell bottoms from the 70's, but I won't wear 80's fashion unless it's an 80's theme party. Fortunately, I don't have to wear something I don't want to wear. It is true that I probably look unfashionable, but that's the penalty I will take. To each his/her own. We live in a world of diversity. Although, isn't fashion rather anti-diversity since it encourages us all to dress alike?
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