Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Divine right

I just read in the local newspaper that a man who sexually molested two small girls for 8 years was sentenced to 3 months in jail. The girls were 5 and 7 years old when he started molesting them. What he did to them was severe enough to be classified as rape. 3 months in jail? Is that all their childhoods are worth? Their childhoods were probably over the moment he laid his grubby hands on them. And it's probably a fair assumption to say that this will remain with them for the rest of their lives. I'm sorry, but it was my children, 3 months just wouldn't suffice. Granted, this man is 77 years old, but that makes no difference in my opinion. If it was my children I think I my first focus would be to help them process this experience in the best way possible, but my second priority would be to get justice on their behalf. I don't know if I would rest until I got it. I know we're supposed to forgive and forget, but in this case I doubt I'd be able to. I think mothers have a God given right to protect their off-spring and make sure that whoever hurts them pays for what they've done. Might not be the most charitable and Christian opinion to have, but deep down we're all animals, and animals fiercely protect their young. There's no excuse for sexually abusing a child, and I have no sympathy for a pedophile, no matter what age he is.

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