Friday, March 11, 2011

Come on, take your top off!

I don't know why, but I suddenly got to thinking about being 13-14 again and being told by my relatives that I should go topless around the yard. Every other female did. Why I don't know. To get the best tan possible I suppose.
I refused.
From the moment I started developing boobs I refused to take my top off and parade my rack in front of my father, grandfather, uncle etc. I still don't think this was an unreasonable refusal. What 14 year old girl is going to want to run around half naked in front of her her family? Hell, what female, regardless of her age, is going to want to run around half naked in front of her family? Not me.
Call me a prude, but I still think that going topless is a tad too personal. If you feel like going topless, go for it, but I wish they hadn't made me feel like such a freak when I was 14 and didn't want to take my top off. It was this whole issue, me not taking my top off. 'What are we going to do with Linda!'
I overheard my grandfather talking to my grandmother in hushed undertones, wondering about the fact that I refused to sunbathe topless.
It's bizarre now that you think about it, knowing what we know about skin cancer and how harmful the sun is to our skin. What's even more bizarre is my being urged to go topless at all, especially at that age.
I remember feeling like such a freak because I was the only one not going topless. It wasn't until many years later that I realized that it wasn't that weird of me.
You still won't catch me topless in public places. There are some things that should just be remain private. This is just my opinion of course. Is it really that vital to tan your boobs? Really? Unless you're planning to display them to a lot of people, what's the point?

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