Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why on earth would anyone voluntarily want to live in Emmerdale?

I'm talking about the English soap of course. I remember when I was a kid and it was called 'Emmerdale Farm' and was a lot more tame than it is now. In those days, the plot more or less revolved around whether or not the cows had been milked or the garbage taken out. As my mom always says when she describes that show: "At the beginning of the episode the old lady is taking out a pail of garbage and at the end of the episode she's carrying the empty pail back in the house".

The show has gone through a drastic change, to say the least. Now everybody is nasty to everybody and there are intrigues and intricate plots that seem never-ending. This is nothing new in the world of soaps. However, the likes of Dallas, Melrose Place and Dynasty have nothing on Emmerdale. Here people will call each a tart for no particular reason, and gloat viciously when bad things happen to their fellow villagers. One has to give them credit for being honest I suppose, but I have to ask myself, apart from the beautiful scenery, why on earth would anyone in their right mind live in such a place, where you would have to face despicable characters such as Viv Hope, Matthew King, Debbie and Eli Dingle? Thank goodness for a bit of comic relief in Shadrach Dingle and Val Lambert.

Well, the show has its charm, otherwise I wouldn't watch it whenever I'm home and have nothing else to do. Fortunately it's on just at lunch time, and I like to eat my lunch while watching, since in every episode there is pub food. And gay Paul is very easy on the eyes, if you know what I mean. That aside, I have to say that I miss the old days when the stories were less dramatic. It was more genuine. Like a slice of farm life.

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