Sunday, April 18, 2010

Recipe for Dead Meat Dianne Sandwich

I first encountered this sandwich in university. It was impossible to find during school breaks but once term paper season had started it was almost guaranteed to start appearing. It's fairly easy to make but watch out when you chew it, since it has a tendency to get stuck in your teeth.

2 slices of prospectus
3 thick slices of of Term paper deadline (the meat)
3 tbs of No more extensions
2 tsp of Irritated prof
3 slices of Procrastination (more meat)
8 Essay sources, finely chopped up
2 Slices of distractions
2 leaves of Due date approaching
Chopped up Thesis

Take the 2 slices of Prospectus and spread the Mo more extensions on them. If you desire, and if you want your sandwich to contain more fiber, you can substitute the Prospectus with "Utter confusion". This will further enhance the already stressed and thready texture of the sandwich. After you have spread the No more extensions on the Prospectus, or the Utter confusion, put the slices of Procrastination on top, and then add the Irritated professor over it. After this, sprinkle the chopped up Essay sources on top and cover with the Sliced distraction. Decorate with the Due date approaching leaves. Use Thesis to taste. You can also add some References. Some people prefer more References, others a lot less. Using too many references will cause the sandwich to taste very bitter, although this is preferable to some people. You can also season the sandwich with "Fear of getting a B" or "Annoyingly over-eager and prompt classmate".

You may find the sandwich very chewy and extremely hard to digest. It is possible that while you chew the sandwich you fill frown. This is due to the stressed quality of the meat. Don't worry, the frown will leave your face once term paper season is over. Sometimes the sandwich may also cause nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, headaches, emotionality, and in some cases it might make you unsteady on your feet. You may suddenly stumble and fall without warning. Don't worry, this is all part of the experience. Given time, you will begin to like this sandwich and eventually even love it.

Good luck, and enjoy!

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