Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ms. Crabapple

That's me at the moment. During the day I was rather sluggish and a little bit irritable but after my workout I suddenly became really agitated. I had to rush the workout so I pushed myself, that might be the reason. Perhaps I'm simply fatigued.
Then the neighbours downstairs start making noise again. This time they're slamming their balcony door and shouting on their balcony, as if someone was having a gigantic argument. This was not the case here though. What he have here is simply a case of numbskulls who don't have enough sense to be considerate towards their neighbours.
Noisy neighbours is one of my pet peeves. I have zero patience with them. I don't want to hear their lousy music or their shouting and slamming doors. I want them to consider that they are living in an apartment building and not a hut in the forest. Is this really that hard to keep in mind? Even such pea brains as the people downstairs must be able to grasp this relatively simple concept. Alas, they don't.
It doesn't matter if it's the middle of the day or midnight, you play your music at a level where your neighbours can't hear it. That's just all there is to it. If that's not a rule, it ought to be. I don't care if they need to blast it in order to enjoy it properly, that's not my problem. My problem is that I can hear it in my apartment.
If this makes me a pissy bitch, so be it. If it makes me a square old lady, so be it. When it comes to this, I guess I shall just have to be a pissy bitch and a square old lady.
The neighbours are not the only reason for my irritation at the moment though. It's not PMS or anything in particular, it's just plain, unidentified anger.
I hope my mood will lift later in the evening.

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