Saturday, February 26, 2011

Why you will never find me queuing to get into a club

It's degrading.

If the club is that full that you have to stand outside in a line-up like a sheep on its way to the slaughter, what's the point?
Why should I allow myself to be bullied by some surly security guard and stand there and hope that he'll let me in. If they don't want my business, I'll just go somewhere else, and if they don't want my business, I'll just go home. There is no way in hell I'd ever cater to security guards and bouncers. Play up to some steroid case on a power trip in order to pay a cover charge to get into a no doubt over-crowded establishment where the staff is surly and snooty and the customers wasted and stupid? No thank you!
The line-ups for some clubs look pathetic. People standing there like morons freezing their asses off in their skimpy clothes just so they can get into the current hotspot just so they can be there. Just because someone hip and trendy decided that this is where you should go on a Saturday or a Friday night. There's something sad about it, when you think about it. All that pushing and shoving like cattle trying to get to the water trough during a drought, total disregard for your fellow human beings. Girls with lost expressions in their eyes.

Now there are exceptions to this of course. Clubs aren't all like this, naturally. I would gladly go to a place where people actually go to dance, such a latin club for example. I like dancing. I'm not referring to actual dance clubs, but to clubs where you go just to get drunk, or worse, places you go when you are already hammered. If I want to sit around and booze it up and talk at the top of my lungs where the majority of the conversation goes something like: "HUH??", I can do this at home.

I'd rather have a root canal done than stand in one of these silly line-ups.

The reason for this rant is that I just read a story in a newspaper written by a girl who really did get seriously injured in this type of freakshow.

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