Saturday, February 6, 2010

Enter the world of fiction

So this year isn't off to a very good start. More than a month of 2010 has gone by and I'm still not in the groove. Haven't found my mojo, my muse. The goal for this year is to get back to the point when writing was a fun escape from reality.

Writing fiction should be like entering another world. Your characters should feel like your children. They should feel like real people to you. You should lose all sense of real time and space. It should be, as Stephen King depicted it in Misery, like finding a hole in the paper and climbing through it. Today it's a computer screen that we have to climb through, but the concept is the same.

It used to be like that for me and I want that back. Damned education. It ruined it. I've become too self-critical and analytical to enjoy it.

I want to find that hole in the computer screen and climb through it!

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