Saturday, May 15, 2010

I have maternal instincts, who knew!

There's no doubt now that my maternal instincts have kicked in. It took time but here they are. My biological clock has started ticking. It used to be that I didn't really like kids all that much. I was insecure around them. I could never figure out what the fuss was. I hated it when during social functions where there was a baby present, everyone would faun over the baby and go "Awwww!!!". I mostly just looked it at from a distance, as though it was some sort of foreign object. Because it was expected of me, I would go closer and perhaps even stick out my finger and have the baby grab it, but this was only for appearances sake.
Older kids, forget it. Once they were old enough to talk I disliked them. They were simply a nuisance. Always staring at you. Soaking up all the attention. Asking you stupid questions.
Then somewhere in my mid twenties I started to soften towards them. I began to appreciate being around kids. I enjoyed playing with them and found them cute. That didn't mean I wanted to have one. I just like them. I still liked dogs better.
This past year it's become painfully clear that I might just be cut out for motherhood after all. I smile like a goof when I see a toddler and talk jibberish to infants, and I get this knot in my stomach whenever I see a child that appears unhappy. I've become one of the "Awwww!!!" people.
Most of all I feel this need to have a child, partly because I want a family of my own, and partly to pass on a part of myself to posterity I suppose. It's perhaps an instinct we all have deep inside, that just takes a while to emerge for some of us.
The question is, will I be a good enough mother. That's what I worry about.


canadianne said...

You would be a wonderful mother Linda. You love passionately and protect fiercely.

I would not be a great mother but an awesome aunt/godmother.

So, go ahead. get it on and have a kid :)

Aunty Dianne awaits.

Linda said...

Thanks man. I have no doubt you'd be a great godmother. You're a given for that roll where my kid is concerned.

M.Rostlund said...

Hehe I thought you said to your friend that she would make a good grandmother. I thought you were being mean! LOL - sorry!

On a more serious note. YOu would make a great mother. Seriously, I see the way you are with NIck, I know he is not a kid (well close enough) :P but that shows just how loving and patient you are.

Not to mention that if you 2 have a kid he/she would be gorgeous! :)

Linda said...

LOL. Yes, Nick is close enough to being a kid. You're right. Thanks for the kind words!

How about you and Jimmy? Any thoughts or plans about eventual parenthood?

M.Rostlund said...

I've never had a yearning for a family. hotHowever I know Jimmy wants a family so that's going to make things interesting. Perhaps he is going to have to settle for a puppy. :D