Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Enough already!

I know I've mentioned my dislike of the monarchy system before, but I feel I must vent on this topic yet again. These days it's hard to escape this circus because of the upcoming wedding between Sweden's crown princess and her boyfriend. It's everywhere you go. It's in the newspaper, on T.V, and a major candy company has even launched 'wedding chocolates', in specially designed royal looking boxes. You are bombarded with this nonsense everywhere you go. You can enter contests and win a box of royal chocolates so that you "can munch on chocolates like a real princess". It's quite amusing if you think about it.
I should like to keep a distanced attitude towards it all and laugh at it, rather than get annoyed, but I find it hard since I consider it a slap in the face to those that didn't happen to born within that particular family. Are the rest of us supposed to be lesser beings just because our ancestry isn't 'fancy' enough?
It's a piece of history, yes of course, but history belongs in a museum, to be explored, studied and even revered, but it does not have a place in modern society where we are supposed to live in a democracy. In a democracy, all people are equal. One can't live according to a monarchy system and still claim to be a democracy, since a monarchy perpetuates a class system, where certain people are regarded as better than others.
This is and will always be what my dislike of the monarchy system is all about. It's not about money. It's about equality.
And all this malarkey about how wrong it is for a princess marrying "a man of the people" is just that, malarkey. It amazes me how people in this day and age can spout such outdated garbage.
There, I've vented. I will just have to put on blinders for another month so that I can escape all this royal hoopla, and pray for the day when Sweden joins the modern world and becomes a true democracy. I know for a fact that it will not happen while I am living here, but let's hope it happens eventually.
We anti-monarchists aren't evil communists. We just want everyone to be treated equally.


canadianne said...

i like monarchy but i see your points. it can be annoying.

Linda said...

Yes, fairytales are nice. It's romantic, and I think that's what appeals to the general public.